Bees for trees – promoting market oriented honey production
Location: Eyumojock subdivision, Manyu division Duration: July 2013 – June 2016 The aim of the…
Location: Eyumojock subdivision, Manyu division Duration: July 2013 – June 2016 The aim of the…
Location: EGI Office, Buea Duration: Continuous We have established and equipped a resource center in…
Location: Mamfe subdivision, Manyu division Duration: July 2013 – June 2015 Extensive commercial logging that…
Location: Akwaya and Eyumojock subdivision, Manyu division Duration: January 2014– December 2017 Hunting has always…
One of the main challenges of environmental governance is closing the gap between research and praxis. EGI works closely with communities to identify their needs and develop innovative, sustainable solutions.
With our work, we hope to change people’s attitudes towards hunting and the bush meat trade. Conservation activities do not stand alone, but are done hand in hand with promotion of alternative sources of subsistence and income.
Our resource center in Molyko in Buea is open to the public. Anyone can access print and interactive multimedia material on environmental and natural resources law and policy, international environmental law, etc.
Young people must acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to foster sustainable development early and nurture them to be part of their daily practice. That is why our education for sustainable development pivotal in what we do.
On Wednesday April 30 2014, EGI collaborated with the Ministry of Environment, Nature Protection and Sustainable Development and GHS Bolifamba students to plant trees in their school.
While on a field visit, EGI’s community programs officer witnesses an incident that puts her right in the middle of a human-wildlife conflict. it becomes clear to her that when it boils down to it, the community members will do what they need to protect themselves and their livelihoods.