EGI Trains Civil Society Organisations in the Southwest Region on how to Monitor Environmental Assessments
In December 2015, 20 CSOs (including 4 local Councils: Nguti, Tiko, Muyuka and Limbe III)…
In December 2015, 20 CSOs (including 4 local Councils: Nguti, Tiko, Muyuka and Limbe III)…
It would seem that e-learning is finally taking its place in contributing to education for…
EGI carried out an assessment of the state of environmental education in Takamanda, in nine villages that make up the south west cluster of the Takamanda National Park. Here is a summary of the findings.
EGI carried out focus group discussions to find out more about the beliefs, knowledge, attitudes and expectations and practice of villagers towards wildlife management in Takamanda National Park. The findings of this exercise highlight a marked positive attitude and effort to contribute to conservation efforts.
Within the framework of the cSIDA-funded Civil Society Support Project “Green Heat of Africa (GHoA) Cameroon, Civil Society 2014-2016, EGI aims to engage more effectively with private sector to influence decision-making and practices regarding the management of natural resources.). It is in this regard that EGI is conducting a baseline study of businesses and industries that are operating in the Coastal Forest Landscape.
In December 2014, EGI carried out a study to generate an inventory of the smallholders of oil palm schemes in Nguti, Tombel and Bangem subdivisions of Kupe Manenguba division, including their farm sizes and scale of production.
It would seem that e-learning is finally taking its place in contributing to education for…
Sustainable development is seen as a fundamental challenge facing all societies in the twenty-first century.…
Palm oil is now the world’s leading vegetable oil, and its demand for the production…
The main threat that the project seeks to address is the reduction of the Gorilla…