Location: Mamfe subdivision, Manyu division
Duration: July 2013 – June 2015
Extensive commercial logging that has been carried out in Manyu division is wrecking havoc to the region’s rich biodiversity and destroying communities’ livelihoods. In other parts of the Southwest region, shrinking agricultural productivity has resulted in poor farming practices like slash-and-burn.
Since 2013, EGI has been working in Mamfe subdivision. The agro-forestry project involves the following activities:
- Organize community mobilization meetings on project activities
- Organize awareness workshops on the potential and benefits of conserving indigenous forests and agroforestry initiatives, targeting local leaders and community development authorities
- Produce and disseminate awareness materials on tree planting practices including radio programs on local radio stations, posters, theatre and t-shirts
- Work with village communities to identify indigenous high value tree species
- Establish farm demonstration plots and tree nurseries within schools for education purposes
- Organise a short intensive course for local extension workers on sustainable agro-forestry production systems and use of natural resources
- Support school environmental clubs to learn about tree planting.
This project was supported in the first year by Rufford Foundation, UK.