Dear all our Bulletin is out check it out under this Link Enjoy reading EGI…
Dear all our Bulletin is out check it out under this Link Enjoy reading EGI…
Capacity building of PTAs/Council members on their roles in the implementation of ESD in pilot…
John Takang, Excecutive Director of EGI participated in the first National Workshop for the Implementation…
EGI technical team participated to a Planning Workshop with Cso funded by WWF . The…
EGI Technical team participated to a Training Workshop on creative collaboration and creative system. The…
WWF Cameroon is about to launch the new 5 years project christened Leading the change:…
Business planning workshop for Oil Palm Smallholders Cooperatives in the South West Region, Cameroon Kumba,…
WWF Cameroun country programme office organized from 21st to 23rd February 2018 at Hotel Vallees…
In Pursuit of EGI’s Smallholder Acceleration and REDD Plus(SHARP) Programme, EGI Director, John Takang with…
Economic growth and the creation of wealth have reduced global poverty rates, but vulnerability, inequality,…